Tag: Events


FFXI – XIV collaboration event on November 10th!

So, besides 3.1, on November 10th we have the collaboration event that marks the end of FFXI new content! Check it out! ________________________________ 11/04/2015 Greetings, everyone! Next week on November 10, FINAL FANTASY XI will usher in the epic conclusion to the Rhapsodies of Vana’diel scenario, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, we will be […]

All Saints Wake looks like fun this year!

I cant directly post the info here like i could the previous two announcements, so i’ll post the link to the FF page. It is going to include new pets, new gear, house furnishings and…A NEW MOUNT! http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2015/All_Saints_Wake/ It starts on October 22nd, so be there…or be scared (forgive my cheezy puns!)